Steady Rollin presenta “This craziness inside of me”
Por Jessica Merlos
Diario El Mundo
La banda nacional de rock, Steady Rollin, presenta su más reciente sencillo “This craziness inside of me”, segunda canción de su disco “Stories” a estrenarse en octubre. Además de anunciar su canción anuncian su video oficial.
Steady Rollin estrena Must I die alone, un tema entre rock & blues
Por Sabino Gámez
Iconos mag
Steady Rollin, la banda salvadoreña de blues, rock y música acústica, ha estrenado un nuevo sencillo: Must I die alone, que se desprende de Stories, su más reciente producción discográfica.
Steady Rollin is a blues influenced trio who are based in El Salvador. They have just released a joyous new single called ‘I Feel Alive’, together with a stunning video.
Steady Rollin are feeling alive and ready to show it
Somebody told me…, July 2nd, 2020
Steady Rollin make their mark with latest release ‘I Feel Alive’. The El Salvadorian trio have already made waves in the rock world, making their way into the music pages of America, Europe and beyond.
Steady Rollin Release a feel-good anthem, ‘I Feel Alive’
Glitter or Litter, July 1st, 2020
The single reinforces Steady Rollin’s reputation as a rock band who boast authenticity and class, rejecting modern-day studio trickery and playing their tracks in the live tradition of bands like Cream and The Who.
Get ready to 'Feel Alive' with feel-good rock from Steady Rollin
On The Spot Music, July 1st, 2020
Steady Rollin are already taking the world by storm, pushing their music way outside the boundaries of the tiny Central American republic of El Salvador to America, Europe and beyond.
Fernando Poma, el exitoso empresario salvadoreño que se volvió roquero
Mateo García October 18, 2018
Artículo de nuestros amigos de El Tiempo de Colombia sobre el Love & Loss Tour que nos llevará a interpretar nuestros temas en Bogotá este 18 de octubre; en Medellín el 19 de octubre y en Cali el 20 de octubre.